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What Is a Caucus?

  • What exactly is a “caucus”?
    A caucus is essentially a meeting where members of the Democratic party in Elmsford gather to select their candidates for the upcoming mayoral and trustee elections. The caucus process is the method the party will use to choose their nominees to run for these positions.
  • How is a caucus different from a primary election?
    A caucus and a primary are two different ways a political party can choose their candidates. In a primary, voters go to their regular polling places and cast secret ballots for their preferred candidates, just like in a general election. A caucus, on the other hand, is more like a neighborhood meeting. Party members gather at a designated place, discuss the candidates, and then vote, either by open methods like raising hands or by secret ballot, depending on the party's rules. Caucuses are generally more informal and interactive than primaries.
  • How will the caucus work to nominate Matt and the trustee candidates?
    The local Democratic party leaders will be responsible for organizing and overseeing the caucus meeting. Here's a step-by-step breakdown of how it will proceed: The party will notify all registered Democrats in Elmsford of the caucus details (date, time, location) at least 10 days prior to the meeting. During the caucus, party members will nominate Matt as the Democratic candidate for mayor and nominate candidates for the available trustee positions. Following the nominations, all caucus attendees will cast their votes for each position, either by open voting methods or by secret ballot, as determined by the party's rules. To secure the party's nomination, each candidate will need to garner a majority of the votes cast for their respective position at the caucus. Once the voting concludes, the party has a 3-day window to formally submit the caucus results to the Board of Elections, officially certifying the Democratic nominees for mayor and trustees. If selected at the caucus, Matt and the nominated trustee candidates will become the Democratic nominees and will appear on the ballot in the March general election as the Democratic candidates for their respective positions.
  • When will the caucus and general election take place?
    The Democratic caucus for the mayoral and trustee nominations will be held in January 2025. Per New York State Election Law, the exact date of the caucus must be announced between January 2nd and January 15th, 2025. The Elmsford Democratic Party will notify all registered Democrats in the village of the specific date, time, and location of the caucus within this legal timeframe. The general election for the Village of Elmsford will take place on Tuesday, March 18, 2025.
  • Why is the caucus significant for Matt’s candidacy?
    The caucus plays a crucial role in Matt’s campaign because it empowers the dedicated Democratic party members in Elmsford to directly choose their nominees. It provides an opportunity for the committed Democrats who participate to make their voices heard and to select candidates they have confidence in. Matt hopes to gain the support and votes of his fellow party members at the caucus to secure the Democratic nomination for mayor.
  • How can I support Matt’s campaign?
    There are two primary ways to support Matt’s campaign: volunteering and donating. Volunteering is crucial to help ensure that Matt becomes the Democratic nominee at the January caucus and is victorious in the March general election. Every contribution, whether it's making phone calls, knocking on doors, or spreading the word to friends and neighbors, will make a real difference. If you're interested in volunteering, please visit the "Get Involved" page to sign up and join our team of dedicated volunteers. Donations are also vital to the success of the campaign. Running a campaign involves many expenses, such as advertising, printing materials, and hosting events. Your financial support, no matter the amount, will help the campaign reach more voters, communicate Matt's message effectively, and build the necessary resources to win. If you would like to make a contribution, please visit the "Donate" page. Your support, whether through volunteering, donating, or both, is greatly appreciated. Together, we can create a brighter future for Elmsford.

Be part of the change Elmsford needs! Whether you have time to volunteer, skills to offer, or just want to spread the word, every bit of support helps. Together, we can transform Elmsford!

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